
China Plus

Takeaway Chinese EP7 How do you say...怎么说?

If you are a newbie in Chinese, “怎么说 (how to say…)” is a very useful phrase that you should learn. Also, “这”“这个”“那”“那个” are very common pet phrases in Chinese language. So when Chin...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP6 Goodbye!再见

We say “再见(goodbye)” every day in our daily life, but do you know “再见” can convey many interesting meanings especially when Chinese people use it with their close friends? Just imag...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起

EP5 I’m sorry! 对不起

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP4 谢谢你!不客气 Thank You!

“ 客气( kè qi ) ” is a very useful word with profound meanings in Chinese language. Knowing the culture of “客气 ” will help better integrating into the Chinese society.

In Words, May 18, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP2 姓名 What's Your Name?

Part I Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP1 你好!Hello

Part I: Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017


Word Of The Day: 一碗水端平

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Mar 01, 2023

Word Of The Day: 偏心

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 28, 2023

Word Of The Day: 拍马屁

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 27, 2023

Word Of The Day: 护短

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 22, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下饭

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 21, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口价

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 20, 2023

Word Of The Day:不得了

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 17, 2023

Word Of The Day: 碎嘴子

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 16, 2023

Word Of The Day: 水很深

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 15, 2023

Word Of The Day: 吃软不吃硬

Today’s idiom

In Words, Feb 14, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下不来台

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 13, 2023

Word Of The Day: 食言

Today’s word

In Words, Feb 10, 2023

Word Of The Day: 当回事

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 09, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口吃不成个胖子

Today’s idiom:

In Words, Feb 08, 2023

Word Of The Day: 小心眼儿


In Words, Feb 06, 2023

Word Of The Day: 马后炮


In Words, Feb 03, 2023

Word Of The Day: 心里有数


In Words, Feb 02, 2023

Takeaway Chinese EP7 How do you say...怎么说?

If you are a newbie in Chinese, “怎么说 (how to say…)” is a very useful phrase that you should learn. Also, “这”“这个”“那”“那个” are very common pet phrases in Chinese language. So when Chin...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP6 Goodbye!再见

We say “再见(goodbye)” every day in our daily life, but do you know “再见” can convey many interesting meanings especially when Chinese people use it with their close friends? Just imag...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起

EP5 I’m sorry! 对不起

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP4 谢谢你!不客气 Thank You!

“ 客气( kè qi ) ” is a very useful word with profound meanings in Chinese language. Knowing the culture of “客气 ” will help better integrating into the Chinese society.

In Words, May 18, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP2 姓名 What's Your Name?

Part I Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP1 你好!Hello

Part I: Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017


Word Of The Day: 一碗水端平

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Mar 01, 2023

Word Of The Day: 偏心

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 28, 2023

Word Of The Day: 拍马屁

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 27, 2023

Word Of The Day: 护短

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 22, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下饭

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 21, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口价

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 20, 2023

Word Of The Day:不得了

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 17, 2023

Word Of The Day: 碎嘴子

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 16, 2023

Word Of The Day: 水很深

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 15, 2023

Word Of The Day: 吃软不吃硬

Today’s idiom

In Words, Feb 14, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下不来台

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 13, 2023

Word Of The Day: 食言

Today’s word

In Words, Feb 10, 2023

Word Of The Day: 当回事

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 09, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口吃不成个胖子

Today’s idiom:

In Words, Feb 08, 2023

Word Of The Day: 小心眼儿


In Words, Feb 06, 2023

Word Of The Day: 马后炮


In Words, Feb 03, 2023

Word Of The Day: 心里有数


In Words, Feb 02, 2023

Takeaway Chinese EP7 How do you say...怎么说?

If you are a newbie in Chinese, “怎么说 (how to say…)” is a very useful phrase that you should learn. Also, “这”“这个”“那”“那个” are very common pet phrases in Chinese language. So when Chin...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP6 Goodbye!再见

We say “再见(goodbye)” every day in our daily life, but do you know “再见” can convey many interesting meanings especially when Chinese people use it with their close friends? Just imag...

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起

EP5 I’m sorry! 对不起

In Words, Jun 23, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP4 谢谢你!不客气 Thank You!

“ 客气( kè qi ) ” is a very useful word with profound meanings in Chinese language. Knowing the culture of “客气 ” will help better integrating into the Chinese society.

In Words, May 18, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP2 姓名 What's Your Name?

Part I Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017

Takeaway Chinese EP1 你好!Hello

Part I: Chinese 101

In Words, Apr 20, 2017


Word Of The Day: 一碗水端平

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Mar 01, 2023

Word Of The Day: 偏心

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 28, 2023

Word Of The Day: 拍马屁

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 27, 2023

Word Of The Day: 护短

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 22, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下饭

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 21, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口价

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 20, 2023

Word Of The Day:不得了

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 17, 2023

Word Of The Day: 碎嘴子

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 16, 2023

Word Of The Day: 水很深

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 15, 2023

Word Of The Day: 吃软不吃硬

Today’s idiom

In Words, Feb 14, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下不来台

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 13, 2023

Word Of The Day: 食言

Today’s word

In Words, Feb 10, 2023

Word Of The Day: 当回事

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 09, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口吃不成个胖子

Today’s idiom:

In Words, Feb 08, 2023

Word Of The Day: 小心眼儿


In Words, Feb 06, 2023

Word Of The Day: 马后炮


In Words, Feb 03, 2023

Word Of The Day: 心里有数


In Words, Feb 02, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下饭

Today’s Word

In Words, Feb 21, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口价

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 20, 2023

Word Of The Day:不得了

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 17, 2023

Word Of The Day: 碎嘴子

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 16, 2023

Word Of The Day: 水很深

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 15, 2023

Word Of The Day: 吃软不吃硬

Today’s idiom

In Words, Feb 14, 2023

Word Of The Day: 下不来台

Today’s Idiom

In Words, Feb 13, 2023

Word Of The Day: 食言

Today’s word

In Words, Feb 10, 2023

Word Of The Day: 当回事

Today’s phrase

In Words, Feb 09, 2023

Word Of The Day: 一口吃不成个胖子

Today’s idiom:

In Words, Feb 08, 2023

Word Of The Day: 小心眼儿


In Words, Feb 06, 2023

Word Of The Day: 马后炮


In Words, Feb 03, 2023

Word Of The Day: 心里有数


In Words, Feb 02, 2023