
Takeaway Chinese EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起

China Plus China Plus Follow Jun 23, 2017 · 2 mins read
Takeaway Chinese EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起
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EP5 I’m sorry! 对不起

What is “关系”? How can good “guanxi” be created and maintained? When people say“没事,没关系”, Do they really mean “nothing?”

Part I Chinese 101



Duì bù qǐ!   

I’m sorry!


Méi guān xì.  

You’re welcome.


Bào qiàn ,wǒ cuò le !

Sorry, I made a mistake.


Méi shì ,wǒ yuán liàng nǐ 。

That’s all right. I forgive you.

Words & Expressions

【没】méi; not, have not

*Grammar: we often use “没” to mean the result has not realize: “没+ V+ C(resultant complement)” which teachers who teach in Chinese school in China always talk about.


  • Grammar: when we use the resultant complement, we often add “了” after the resultant complement to show the change and realization of the verb.

  • Grammar: There two forms of a question about resultant complement: “V+C+了吗(le ma)”、“V+C+了没有(le mei you)?” which teachers who teach in Chinese school in China always talk about.

你吃了吗?/ 你吃了没有?Ni chi le ma? Ni chi le mei you? 

你听懂了吗?/你听懂了没有?Ting dong le ma? Ting dong le mei you?

你错了吗?/你错了没有?Ni cuo le ma? Ni cuo le mei you?

买了吗?买了没有?Mai le ma? Mai le mei you?

【对】duì; right; correct

【错】cuò; wrong; mistake

对不起,我错了. Duìbùqǐ, wǒ cuòle. Sorry, It’s my fault.

你是对的,我错了。Nǐ shì duì de, wǒ cuòle. You’re right, I’m the wrong one.

【事】shì: matter; thing; item; work

没事 mei shi. It dosen’t matter.

一件事yi jian shi; one thing

这件事zhe jian shi;this thing

【抱歉】bào qiàn: to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry!

【关系】guānxi;relation; relationship; connection

这件事跟你没有关系。It’s nothing to do with you.

我们的关系很好。We have a good friendship/Relationship.

【原谅】yuán liàng;to excuse;to forgive;to pardon

我原谅你了。Wo yuan liang ni le. I forgive you.

Part II: Language Tips

  • What is “关系(guan xi)”? How much efforts you will put in maintain “guanxi” in your social life? How can good “guanxi” be created and maintained? (Discussion, differences betwwen East and West)
  • When people say“没事,没关系”, Do they really mean “nothing?”

Part III: Story of the Day

EP5 I'm sorry! 对不起

唇亡齿寒:If the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Be Cold


chún wáng chǐ hán

If the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Be Cold

More than 2000 years ago, during the Spring and Autumn Period in ancient China, a book titled “Zuo Zhuan左传” recorded a true story of a diplomatic struggle between two noblemen. The motto of the story is that common benefits between partners should be valued.


Literal meaning: If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold

Explanation: Two people or things that share a lot of common benefits



nǐ bì xū yào jiù jiù tā de gōng sī 。nǐ men zhī jiān yǒu hěn duō yè wù wǎng lái ,chún wáng chǐ hán ,jiǎ rú tā de gōng sī dǎo bì le ,nǐ de gōng sī zài jīn róng fēng bào zhōng yě cún huó bú le duō jiǔ 。

You have to save his company! There are many business contracts between your companies, if the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold. If his company closes down, your company won’t survive long during this financial crisis!

China Plus
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